Saturday 12 May 2012

Sunny Saturday!

After staying up late into the night making a big dent in book 2 of the Hunger Games, we slept in a bit this morning. Wanting to get some fresh air on this beautiful sunny day in May, we decided to head downtown....

First, we discovered a Farmers' Market! Lots of homemade goodies, plants, crafts, etc. (we managed to get a few yummy samples as we walked). We'll definitely be going back there some day!

Then we went to the Regina Public Library, because S needed to replenish his supply of comic books (for the bathroom). So, we are now proud (albeit temporary) members of the library and we have yet another fancy card to add to our wallet. As S was perusing the graphic novels, K looked around in the teen novels section in the next aisle, and it provided much entertainment (it seems the Hunger Games might end up being a gateway drug for us). The best find of the day: a novel by none other than... wait for it.... Hilary Duff! Hilary f***ing Duff! Bet you never saw that one coming! I mean, she's obviously a great actress and singer... but who knew she was also a successful author?! Wow, she's sooooo multi-talented! (The novel is entitled "Elixir", in case any of you were hoping to run out to your local bookstore immediately.) Anyway, we decided that if it would please our audience, we would read it (after we finish the Hunger Games, of course) and provide commentary and insight into what is no doubt a literary masterpiece. Thoughts???

After our exciting discovery at the library, we headed over to the Cornwall Centre (mall) to run some errands. On our way across the street, we were stopped by some people giving out FREE COOKIES!!! They were DELICIOUS! Bring me another! (*insert Thor voice here*)
While eating lunch in the food court, we did some people-watching and saw the most AMAZING outfit ever: 30-something-year-old man, wearing black cowboy boots, black leather pants, a bright turquoise shirt under a black blazer, a black cowboy hat, and to top it all off, big white plastic sunglasses. We wanted to take a picture, but thought the better of it. We're sure your imaginations can do the trick!

Back at the mansion, K finished reading the rest of the second book of the Hunger Games to S. Two books down, only one to go! We found the end of book 2 somewhat rushed (i.e. too much squeezed into just the last couple of chapters), but we're looking forward to the conclusion of the trilogy. We're gonna start book 3 tonight (if K's vocal folds don't give out). S is holding out hope that Katniss and Peeta will end up together.

By the way, you can all sleep soundly tonight knowing that neither S nor K has tuberculosis. Just in case you were worried about that. (We had to get the TB test done this week for the internship, and apparently we're both a-ok!)

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