Friday 18 May 2012

another week down...

It's the end of another long, busy week of internship. So busy that we didn't have much time to get out and explore or do much of anything besides work-related stuff...

The main thing we did during our free time was read more of the Hunger Games. We are ALMOST FINISHED!!! Book 3 is over two thirds of the way done! Getting excited for the conclusion! S is still holding out hope that it will be very angsty.

Our big outing this week was a walk half-way around the lake. We are, in fact, two wild and crazy people! We probably would have made it the whole way around if we hadn't gotten stuck at the restaurant and couldn't figure out where the trail went from there. We are also very smart, apparently. But, the lake was very pretty, and we kept getting distracted by all the BABY GEESE!!!!!!!! (or goslings, if we want to get technical) They were SOOOO cute! (pictures to come!)

K made her first "real" trip to North Central on Wednesday. By real we mean that she took the bus both ways, all by herself. She's such a big girl! (and brave to boot!)

Today at lunch, we decided that it was finally time to try the cafeteria POUTINE! Kinda wish we had held off a while longer... or indefinitely, to be more precise. S said it was the worst poutine he'd ever tasted. The "gravy" tasted like chalk. It also didn't have actual cheese curds. K, who doesn't have quite as discriminating a palate as S when it comes to Quebec's favourite dish, found it edible but definitely not tasty. It was about as good as the poutine you could get at K's high school cafeteria. Anyway, we ate with some of the SLPs today, who informed us about some choice Reginese (*coinage*) poutine spots. There'll likely be more poutine-tasting to come!

In other news, there is a leak in the mansion hallway. Hopefully it will be repaired soon, as the stuff dripping into the bucket looks kinda gross. Also, S is not what you would call a "strong swimmer," so the place had better not flood!

That's all for now, folks! We're hoping to do lots of fun things on this LONG WEEKEND! We'll be in touch! :)

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