Monday 21 May 2012

Long Weekend!!!

Happy Victoria Day! You kinda forget how amazing a long weekend is when you are in school (since you probably have work to do anyway). It's been such a grueling first few weeks, that having this long weekend is a godsend. And who benefits more than anybody from this weekend? You, our loyal followers!

The biggest news of Friday was that we FINALLY FINISHED THE HUNGER GAMES TRILOGY! We more or less read all three books since we landed here in the 'Gina. It's been hard to talk about the books without giving spoilers so our final thoughts we will be very general: K liked it but found the ending a bit rushed (S agrees with this last point). Overall, what she expected to happen happened (ditto for S). We've been commenting on S's angst expectations throughout our readings. In the end, he thought it could've been just a little more angsty but regardless, the male-on-male angst scene in book 3 took the cake (we both thought it was hilarious and perfect!). We are totally looking forward to taking in a matinee showing of the Hunger Games movie at the ghetto cinema this afternoon. Hopefully it stays pretty true to the first book. Review to come, duh!

Since we didn't want to waste time preparing supper since we had sooooo much reading to do, we decided to order in. It was our first time ordering in, which we were sort of worried about given the SaskTel debacle. Thankfully, the good folks at Houston Pizza are capable of seeing three feet in front of them and pressing glowing yellow buttons! Yah! Before we talk about the pizza, we just want to mention that apparently Regina is the capital of "Family restaurants". While looking for place to order from, we came across no less than 39809869 restaurants of different varieties claiming to be "family restaurants". We wonder if there is some kind of turf war going on here. Like the mob families but with "family restaurants". That would be amazing!

As for the pizza, we didn't have very high hopes (who in their right mind would think Pizza in the middle of the prairies would be good), but it was..... actually awesome! Like seriously, probably the best delivery pizza we've had (and even better than Delissio!). We had a cheese pizza with pineapple. When we first got it, K was worried because there were only a couple of pieces of pineapple on top and she was all like "WHERE'S THE PINEAPPLE?!?!". Luckily, it was all hidden under the glorious, delicious, gooey cheese! 4 and 1/2 SKs out of 5 SKs!


Apparently, it's a secret what time they close!

Speaking of "food", here's the poutine we mentioned in an earlier post... Enough said.

We will have another post shortly about Saturday and Sunday which involved more food, museums, outdoorsy stuff, trivia, etc.

1 comment:

  1. You guys :( I had some terrible poutine too (or as they call it out West- pou-teen :P). I was super excited to see it and have some!! They used shredded mozzarella cheese instead of cheese curds and the gravy was different. Sad :(
