Saturday 21 July 2012

Last post from the 'Gina!

The day has come... Time to bid farewell to the city that has been our home away from home for the past 3 months and the reason behind this blog. It's been an interesting journey!

We are now sitting in the Regina airport, waiting to board the plane back to the land of poutine. As we were going through security, K was randomly selected to be felt up by a female security guard. Good times.

While we wait, here are some final thoughts on Regina/highlights of our experience here:

1. The bus drivers are super nice here! They smile and talk pleasantly to you, and don't mind answering questions about their routes/stops! This was quite the shock, having grown accustomed to the STM!

2. People in general are very friendly here!

3. Our favorite outing was probably the Buddy Holly show - it was awesome!

4. Saturday afternoon iced tea - a tradition we hope to continue!

5. The 5% tax is amaaaazing!!!

Okay, it looks like they're starting to board the plane.... Au revoir, Regina! Take good care and maybe we'll see you again some day!

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