Saturday 21 July 2012

Last post from the 'Gina!

The day has come... Time to bid farewell to the city that has been our home away from home for the past 3 months and the reason behind this blog. It's been an interesting journey!

We are now sitting in the Regina airport, waiting to board the plane back to the land of poutine. As we were going through security, K was randomly selected to be felt up by a female security guard. Good times.

While we wait, here are some final thoughts on Regina/highlights of our experience here:

1. The bus drivers are super nice here! They smile and talk pleasantly to you, and don't mind answering questions about their routes/stops! This was quite the shock, having grown accustomed to the STM!

2. People in general are very friendly here!

3. Our favorite outing was probably the Buddy Holly show - it was awesome!

4. Saturday afternoon iced tea - a tradition we hope to continue!

5. The 5% tax is amaaaazing!!!

Okay, it looks like they're starting to board the plane.... Au revoir, Regina! Take good care and maybe we'll see you again some day!

Friday 20 July 2012

The last few weeks!!!

Time for our usual excuses: we've been soooooo busy lately! Between the two of us we've probably written 137176384829374 reports in the past week. Fun times. But....


So, here's an update on what's been going on in the 'Gina lately:

The Saturday after Canada day, we made our usual trip to the mall for our David's Tea date....

Side note - some iced teas we recommend include: Forever Nuts (S's fave), Perfect Pear, and Tropicalia (if you're lucky enough to be able to find it - they ran out of it after the first time we tried it)!

After the tea, S really wanted to go see UFC. So, we ventured out to find a sports bar that had been recommended to us, called the Press Box. According to google maps, this bar was located about a 10 minute walk away from the mall... As it turns out, it was more like half an hour, and it was essentially located in the infamous North Central. You know K really loves S when she's willing to walk through North Central on a Saturday evening with him, just so that he can watch grown men beat each other up on TV! Once we actually made it to the bar (and K stopped having a heart attack every time she heard a loud noise), we were lucky enough to get a seat... at the pool table cause it was so packed! We ordered supper, which understandably took a while to be brought out to us, and as it turns out it was actually pretty tasty! S had a club sandwich (that had whole chicken breast on it) and K had a Cajun chicken burger. Yummy! S enjoyed the UFC and we both enjoyed watching a silly bachelorette party going around to various tables to get men to drink shots out of their cleavage. We made it back to the mansion safely afterward, in a cab.

On Sunday, we went to one of the last shows of the Regina Fringe Festival. It was called "Joe's Cafe" and it was really great! It was basically a bunch of true stories put to song, including one about George Carlin (which was tres funny)! Both of the performers were very talented!

Since then, we haven't done very many exciting things. Unless you count writing reports on the weekend. We did however manage to watch the first disc of the first season of "How I Met Your Mother" which we borrowed from the Regina public library (gonna miss that place)... Looking forward to watching more of it, once we can find disc 2 somewhere!

We also went to see "The Amazing Spiderman" on cheap movie Tuesday. Review: K liked Andrew Garfield's skinny little spiderman arse, and S thought he was a better spiderman than Tobey Mcguire. The rest of the movie was "meh". Also, we think Emma Stone has voice problems (or will soon if she keeps using that low, raspy voice).

Finally, the 2 most exciting pieces of news since we last wrote:
1. We both got jobs!! (in Alberta, so expect a new blog entitled SKAB... Thanks again JM for the clever acronym)
2. We booked a Caribbean cruise! Yay! After the cruise we'll be going to Disney or Universal Studios or both for a couple days..... But we still haven't decided yet because we're the two most indecisive people in the world!

Alright, that's it for now! Time to get packin'!!! Stay tuned for live blogging from the airports tomorrow!


Monday 2 July 2012

Happy Canada Day Weekend!!!

It's the celebration of the birth of Canada this weekend.... but more importantly, we now have THREE WEEKS LEFT! Yes, being finished the internship is in fact that important.

Here's a run-down of recent happenings in the 'Gina:
  • THERE ARE TORNADOES HERE! Did you guys know that TORNADOES are real things? They actually exist! They really do! And not just in the movies, like The Wizard of Oz! Earlier this week, there was a "severe weather warning" that included TORNADOES, hail, and deadly lightning, among other things. There were print-outs all over the mansion, warning us of these TORNADOES! In the end, aside from some torrential downpours and lots of wind and ominous clouds that made the sky turn pitch-black at 8pm, all was ok. We survived our first TORNADO warning. (A few TORNADOES did in fact touch down around Moose Jaw, which is about half an hour away.)
  • The other big highlight this week was Canada Day. S was very excited, because people actually celebrate Canada Day here... which apparently includes things such as: strongman competitions, plywood-building competitions, superdogs, and a petting zoo. Not to mention free shortbread cookies from a real estate company. All of this stuff is set up by the Wascana lake... which, incidentally, is in our backyard! We landed up finding some shade (it was SO sunny and hot!) and sitting down to eat a picnic lunch and watch the dog competitions. They ran through courses, raced some little kids, and jumped in the air and caught frisbees. Pretty entertaining. During our travels, we saw some poor chap trying to lift a limo (for the strongman competition) in the sweltering heat. He was unsuccessful. Overall, if was a pretty fun time. We also stopped at a big fountain on the way home and cooled off by sticking our feet in the water. It was quite scenic - right next to the legislature building. 
  • On Sunday night, to continue celebrating the long weekend (and the fact that we didn't have to get up early on Monday morning), we went back to our favourite trivia spot (O'Hanlon's). It was Canada-themed trivia this time, and the hosts weren't as entertaining as last time, but we still had lots of fun. We were not nearly as successful with the trivia this time as we were last time, finishing second-to-last (clearly we don't know enough about Canada)... but our sucking paid off! Apparently in the 'Gina, they reward mediocrity with a GIANT PLATE OF FREE NACHOS!!!!  
 Hope you're all enjoying your day off! :)